Answered on: January 31, 2023


I would like to book a Tesla Electric vehicle at Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, is this also possible with a Debit Card?


Yes, Electric Vehicles and Hybrid cars are available using a Debit Card.


How do I know if a Debit Card is accepted?


Follow the next instructions:-
Some suppliers accept DC. The card must have a MasterCard or VISA logo and your name embossed (raised) on the front. It cannot be a pre-paid card. There are two ways, to view which supplier accepts DC :
(1) Next to each car photo is a link entitled IMPORTANT INFORMATION, click this link to view conditions. Try a few different suppliers as they do vary. CASH is not accepted:
(2) On the search results page (where the available car photos are displayed), down the left-hand side menu at the bottom you may see a tick box, to filter out suppliers who do not accept Debit. Click on the next link to see a screenshot of the Card filter: [link]


The instructions above count for all locations.


When the filter is not shown, there are NO suppliers with available cars using a Debit Card based on your search criteria.


OK, thank you. Understood and now I can see available Teslas and Debit Card accepted.